Sometimes I just love to walk. The distance I feel like walking is not decided based on the kilo meters or miles but for me its totally dependent on the company I have. Ofcourse sometimes I do love to walk inthe company of solitude provided if am very happy or very sad.
The best company I ever had for walking was and is my hubby. I just love to hold his hands and walk aimlessly talking only sweet nothings. That is exactly how it was during our courtship days. Think nothing , Donothing, just enjoy each others presence. Every time we start holding hands and walk, I used to wonder how I had reached the destination so soon. And never ever I had the satisfaction. Always my heart would long for some more time with him. After marriage its still the same but onlydifference is now the sweet nothings has changed to serious manythings.Guess having responsibilities would sometimes change the precious moments to quite a bit serious moments. Now at times our walking would even end up in small misunderstandings.
Then comes my sis. She is my best companion and with her I could walk any miles. From childhood our topic of conversation never been sweet nothings. Its always a serious discussion but only thing is it is filled with loads and loads of laughter.Because whichever things that matters to her would seem funny to me and vice versa.so if anyone of us goes to the other with a problem, whether we get solution or not we sure would forget it for a while and have a clear mind after the walk.
Walking with friends is a blessing especially with best friends. You can blabber anything and be sure that you are not going to be judged. Thereis no expectations and no ego problems. I have a best friend and I could walk with him for miles and sure with smiles. And rain or shine, day or night its always nice to walk beside him talking about nothing in particular or some serious issues, whatever it is one thing that I could be sure is at the end of it I would always leave with a smile.Lucky for having such a good friend.
Then comes walking in solitude. I would enjoy it more if there is asmall drizzling or a big rain. Most of the time after a very happy moment I just love to walk. Mainly because to bring back every second of the moment once again in my memory and to enjoy the moment again and record it in my memory completely. Well the same goes for a sad moment too. Only thing is I just want to play it again and flush it completely once for all.
And most important of all is its better to absolutely walk alone than in a bad company. I once had to go with one of my acquaintance. Somehow we coudlnt share the same thoughts and absolute mismatch of wavelength. We would have walked together for the shortest distance but I felt asthough that was the longest road I ever travelled. Einsteins theory of relativity proved true!!!