Well definitely not about F1 race. F1 - Help..which also as a short key has become short.The best happiness lies in helping someone may be a stranger who is in need. Day before when I was walking towards home saw a old man carrying so many bags in the signal.Thought I will help him in carrying those bags. But now the world has become such a place that even if you offer help people might doubt you..what if she ran away with my bag :-). But somehow he accepted. He said he is going to Faith clinic which is opposite to my house. He said he is 80 and his vision is getting dim each passing day. He was having trouble conversing in English and started to tell something in chinese which I literally didnt understood. We reached the clininc and after he registred I wanted to go home. The clinic was full and am sure it would take anouther 1 and half hour. Its already late and my 3 year old will be waiting for me at home. My heart was requesting me to stay there and take the old man back but I couldnt do it because Anannaya will be waiting for me. And no charge in my mobile to call and tell home that i will be late. I told in the counter about the old man. She gave me a strange look and said she will take care. I told bye to him. He smiled and said thank you dear.
But somehow I felt incomplete. It felt bad that I couldnt do much to help him and may be like him so many people whom I could never help.Not only to strangers even some time to close relatives and bestest friends because of our situation we are not able to help and it feels worse. What is the poin of life if you cant help who are close to our heart. Really hate those kind of situations which in the end makes you feel awful..and which even kind of strains the relationship.
I once was talking to my uncle when I was really down because of this and was like about to cry that I am not a good friend am not able to help them and whatever I do to help is like peanuts when compared to what others are doing. I was telling that it feels like am giving lame excuses.
Then he told me a small story. When Rama wanted to cross lanka he wanted to build a bridge and the huge vanara seva was there helping him to construct the bridge. There was a little squirrel who wanted to help too but couldnt help because of its size. When it carried some sand to fill in the stones the monkeys there scolded him saying he is actually disturbing instead of helping :-). Its like stay away thats the best help you could offer.
The squirrel felt sad and then Rama who observed it took the squirrel in hand and told the monkeys that..how muchever stones you put in..in between there is a gap which gets filled by the sand the squirrel brings in. So never degrade anyone who comes to help by putting their heart into it. Then he carressed the squirrle and thats how squirrels got those three lines which are actually Ramas fingers.
Well It did help to lift my mood up. Ya sometimes life puts us in very different circumstances and people that..we are not able to do what our heart says. Kind of tied up situation. But I guess I should always try to follow what my heart says if it doesnt hurt people around.
Help Ever. Hurt Never.