It was our engagement anniversary..Well..Let me explain..Me and my husband..will try hard to find some celebrations..and we will celebrate it give gifts and surprises and will make an ordinary calendar day to an extra ordinary fun filled day. So like that it became our engagement anniversary..and as usual I tried hard to get a different unique gift for my hubby and finally ended up buying a T-shirt hee hee...what to know what for guys not much choice...yar. And I was waiting for my hubbys turn..but all he said is Thank You. Still I was hoping that he would suddenly bring a gift in front of me..but since he didnt even show a hint of it well..I only asked him where is my gift..and all he said was sharuks dialouge...'Am I not your gift' Well I managed to smile and said Yes you are...but a little disappointed though...Then we went to office..and finally I bugged him to take me to a nice restaurant for lunch.And when we were having lunch I got a call from Udavum Karangal Vidyakar the incharge of orphanage. He wished me for anniversary and said because of you 100 kids are eating a nice meal with sweets today. I was so confused when my husband gave me a understanding smile and said How is my anniversary gift. Filled with tears of happiness and forgetting that its a restaurant I hugged him and said This is the best gift I have ever got.What else could bring more happiness than feeding the innocent minds.Well To get more details check here
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My Dear Wife,
For you what ever i do is less.You are worth more than this.I love youuuu
its really nice reading anitha. Its the first time i visit your blog..
I felt overwhelmed while reading this.. Really a good thing what your hubby had done rather gifted on your wedding anniversary! Appreciable task.
just b4 commenting, happened to read Pavan's comments. Got Excited!! I am sure Pavan is right!! aint i?
My best wishes and prayers to the almighty for providing the EXCELLENCE in all the endeavors of the nice couple!!
Keep going..
Raghavan alias Saravanan M.
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