When I was young, we were staying in a place which was near the railway track. Basically, from our house backyard we can sit and watch the trains. And that time me and my sister will go and stand in the backyard and keep waving bye bye to every train that pass by hoping someone will return us the bye :). But it never happened like that and the only thing that happened was we shifted our house.
Because of that disappointment, I had taken a oath that if at all I travel in train and if I see any kids waving I would respond back by waving back a tata byebye see you :)
And luckily my first job I got was in tambaram and every day I had to take a train from Mamabalam to Tambaram, It would be atleast easily thirty plus minutes journey and almost 6 to 7 stops in between. And I used run and catch the train and will always stand near the exit door for two reasons.
One thing is I love the breeze flowing on my face and second most important thing is to keep my oath. And to my shock, again I was the one who was disappointed. Throught out the journey I never noticed a single baby waving to the train. Time changed may be..This continued for a week and I got so frustrated that I thought I would start taking bus instead of train.
(I know it would sound so silly but still...Life is not a big thing right..its again made up of so many small things ;))
And then it happened. As I took the train and when the train was reaching sanitorium the stop which I was about to get down, I saw a mom feeding her child showing the train and the kid was showing bye bye to the train???. Thats it...I just dropped the file I was holding and literally was waving a BIG BYE BYE for the kid. I dont have words to explain the excitement I had..Even now I feel so while writing this. The happiness in fulfilling one kids wish is really ectasy. After that we had a group in the train going regularly to same place and somehow everyone understood the childhood disappointment I faced and everyone started waving to that kid regularly. And infact the kids name later I learnt as Gayathri and we became friends too.
So anytime you see a baby waving at you, dont think if you know the kid just wave back. Its priceless and you are making a kid happy :)
That's really silly.
yes it is.
It's actually NOT silly at all; It is one (In fact 9th top) of the 83 Neurobic Exercises recommended in the book 'Keep Your Brain Alive' !!
See the excerpt below..
Don't pass up the many opportunities to enhance the social nature of your commute. Buy the morning or evening paper from a person rather than a vending machine. Need gas? Pay the clerk at the counter rather than just swiping your credit card at the pump.
Wave back and smile or play funny-face games with the kids in the backseat of the car in front of you. Stop at a new place for coffee and a muffin, or a different dry cleaner or flower stand.
^ Scientific research has repeatedly proved that social deprivation has severe negative effects on overall cognitive abilities. The ongoing
MacArthur Foundation projects validate keeping active socially and mentally as critical factors for mental health
wowwwwwwwww...so then its not silly at all.
Interesting :D
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