We talk about globalisation. We talk about world as a small global village. With all these growing technologies we defintiely have made world a better place to live but are we living in a better way.
In the past where letter brought in the joy where getting a call from some one close would mean so much , now a days its all become a fantasy. Even a third standard kid is getting missed call. There is no quality time spent with out loved ones. And especially with iphones..things have gone even worse. Getting a answer from your loved one...itself is a big gift even if we stay together. The only source of entertainment has become watching television or browsing. People spend hours in chatting with unknown faces rather than to talk to their life partners. How many times we get a response from our better half while they are busy browing their i-phone.
The happiness you get when getting a post, when reading those letter written in your friends or relatives handwriting no words could describe it. Whether its birthday or a festival, to do shopping and buying greeting cards writing messages and posting them all those moments are lost now. The only thing that fills our letter box is the bills and statements nothing personal.
I remember even when I was in college during some lazy sundays I used to open all the letters cards and read them which would always bring smiles. Ya now also we mail our friends but whats so special...where is the personal touch...Slowly we are becoming like machines...searching for happiness in the technology..always browsing either in laptop or thanks to apple even in iphone..Kids are busy playing games in their parents i phone..
The healthy hobbies like stamp collecting or writing or even reading books I guess will soon vanish. The moments where a family sit together and chat..especially the moon light dinner in the terrace are all kind of vanishing now.
Well what to say..where there are no ears to listen to these thoughts what is the point of having these communicating gadgets. When distance between hearts have increased what is the point of world getting smaller.
It means kids in the current generation are not being brought up well... Unlike in ur childhood, these days parents(not all) dont find time/energy to bring up their kids well introducing all the nice things u mentioned..
Alternately, ur thoughts r the indication of getting old(nothing wrong..) and not belonging to 'current' generation...
Thats true..Now a days most of the parents are busy..cant blame them..
and certain things will bring happiness always inspite of age factor :)
Thats true..Now a days most of the parents are busy..cant blame them..
and certain things will bring happiness always inspite of age factor :)
Well thoughts.
and what we are doing about it?
Can you avoid cell phone(iphone) ?
stop watching movies in computer ?
stop taking escalators (not lift) and teach kids what is good ?
stop eating out and tell make kids learn how to enjoy home food ?
Basically we want to eat out as we are late at work, busy with junk talk, passionate about outside food than our own made.
We want to have gadgets, we made things necessary (once they are luxury), Its we... not others, or kids..
We should be smart to use the gadgets, but don't become slave to that.. we are changing lifestyle like we change our gadgets.. who's problem is that...
Nothing is stopping us to do what you have experienced when you are a child, its just a matter of priority.. and seriousness. If Husband is seriously sick, what other priority you have other than taking care of him ? its just matter of priority..
"current" and "old" wonderful analogy but "current", "old" are relative terms, you can't get get only relative opinions no absolute
Jut my Two Cents
Amiable fill someone in on and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
wow those comments are bigger than my original blog..and I feel as if I know the person :)
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