It was one of those nights when sleep seem to become a stranger and thoughts drift to the past. Sometimes we are blessed with the relationship of few people who make our lives better and when they leave us we are no longer the same and we miss them.
Pushpa. I dont know whether I have to call her as my friend or a sister or what name to give that relationship. I know she is one person who would do anything..just anything for my sake.
It was in my 11th standard that I met Pushpa in GSPT school. I was in a depressed mode that time because of Vanitha and also because of changing the school etc...etc..and a new life came in the name of shuttle badminton :-). That is when I saw Pushpa. After myself getting selected in the school team , I had a oppurtunity to choose a team of Juniors and I met Pushpa.
I found her playing wow..infact better than me..Amazing she was in playing shuttle. Not only that, I have never seen someone who take everything so easy...Forever laughing and forever making fun...of herself and others..Every moment I spent with her was fun and fun.
I dont know why..and I dont know when and I really dont know what the reason is that she became so close to me. She probably is the only one to whom I have never expressed how much she mean to me and what I consider of her. She is also the one whom I have taken for granted...taken for granted considering her as part of my family..as my sister.
The innocence in her...especially I have to narrate one incident here..It was my sisters school annual day. She was performing in school in a dance programme. And I asked Pushpa if she too want to come and see. The only differnece is that, the next day Pushpa had her public exam and I really was not expecting her to come. But there she was prompty on time..and I couldnt believe that she had come..and she came just because I asked her to come. Throughout the programme she was enjoying but I was in hyper tension knowing very well that she has absolutely not prepared for the exam.
Like wise there were so many stories to share..She keep calling herself..en rosapoo neratthukku enna avaradu...our filter coffee sharing sessions...the exam moments..the terrace moments..my wedding,my sis wedding...well almost every moment every precious moment in chennai for me..she has been part of it. Sad that she never recognized what she means to me.
Pushpa..If I think of her even now it brings a smile..for all the good moments we shared. Now I am not in touch with her. But sincerely praying God that she should be happy healthy and forever keep that smile which is her trade mark.
Meetings and Parting are happenings of the world. And I hope we would meet soon to share some good old moments.
nyabagam vandhuruchu aasaiyil oodi vandhen.....
Thot I read ur blogitem 'Being contract employee' which was quite a mature perspective. Any specific reason why it is not available on this page anymore??
Some took it personally so deleted it :-)
Its UR personal blog page indicating 'UR' opinion. Need not succumb to the offended unless U personally feel for them. In my opinion, the 'commitment' depends MORE on the individual's attitude and to some extent on his/her competence and very very less on contract/perm.
totally endorse the view that atleast in ur blog u need to be true to urself and not delete taking other people's opinion. whether are u committed to be true to urself is what shud u think, i thot u were...
It's totally my point of view and the reason I removed it is because I did not want anyone to feel bad bcos of it
And I be myself in my blog and that doesn't change
express ur opinions without fear, thats important and not remove posts.
//Now I am not in touch with her.//
why dont you talk with her...
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