Sometimes, Knowingly or unknowingly we hurt the feelings of others. And there are some in the name of being straight forward try and hurt others. I was thinking about my ammamma today. My mom called me and started crying. She was telling me that she was reading my ammammas old diaries.I am the eldest grand daughter of hers and for my marriage my mom had bought a cotton saree for my grand ma. Actually my grand ma was very thin and she wasnt keen on silk sarrees. So thinking about the comfort factor my mom had got her a cotton saree. And my ammamma had written in her diary that she was so upset and in tears that her daughter had given her only a cotton saree probably because she was a widow etc. Actually when my marriage was fixed I was in singapore. When I came back I went to pothys in chennai along with my friend and took my ammamma also and had got her a silk saree which probably my mom forgot. But reading this diary now..she was very upset..and what could she do to change it. There is no choice. Even after I telling her that I had got her a silk saree she was not convinced. And somehow the very same day her maid had come to her and asked that she dont have sarees and if my mom can give her one. It was such a big coincidence and my mom immediately went and gave her some nice sarress including silk sarees and she told me that only then she got some peace. she felt its ammamma who is asking for saree. Somehow this made a big impact to me. Most of the times we really hurt the feelings of our near and dear ones. And especially if someone is very close to us we dont mind speaking to them whatever we want and may be it hurt them. We might even feel that its okay tomorrow if I tell sorry things should become okay as most of the time it would be some emotional outbursts..But what if that tomorrow never comes for the other person. Will it not impact us throughout our lives.
Thats why its really important not to hurt anyones feelings.
Every one has one life and a right to live it in the way they chose to.
When we start judging people where is the time left to love them?
Excellent Anitha!!! This is good..
But think in this way, we may hurt our parents or friends only during the times when we feel they are not right..I am also against shouting at them for no reason..but when you feel something they have got to do, which they are not doing and you know that is good for them, you should definitely tell them, even if they get hurt it should not deter you..
This reminds me of reading my father's dairy after he passed away..he was with me in during his wedding day..since we do not celeberate like having parties or going to hotel etc, I think my father felt bad and he had written he felt bad he did not celeberate it..I had more than made up that weekend by talking my parents to mall, hotel and buying them whatever they wanted that very same weekend..only thing is I did not do it on that day.
But I am learning some things from here..we should not expect anything in life..we should be happy with whatever we get..God knows what we should be getting and what we should not..So tell this to your mother..Let her not feel her mother felt bad..we cannot please everyone at everytime..
So learn to not expect anything from others..Like Krishna said in geetha always be detached in life..
Let me know if I have said anything wrong..reply back
Nothing wrong. Infact you told the right thing. Sometimes we dont have control on circumstances and the attitude of people around us. The best thing is to be detached and the only thing that we can control is our attitude. Tough to follow but :)
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