Generally my mornings will be always busy busy and busssssssssssyyyyyy!!!
Getting my daughter ready for school, me getting ready and trying to give her breakfast...oops..its peak hyper tension time. And inspite of that I. try to keep some songs in the morning. If am in the responsible wife and mom mood , I will play suprabatham or vishnu sahasranamam or some devotional songs and if am in let me enjoy life mood then I would just play some of my or my hubbys favorite songs.
So its just impossible to hear sounds from outside as our house itself will be a source of sound pollution with either the songs or with my daughter screaming that she wouldnt eat or dress up or we both arguing with each other about who is the root cause of being late and because of which we would still be late. So with all this where is the time to see whats happening in the outside world at these peak hours.
But today was different. I couldnt sleep yesterday till almost 3:00 and so by 7:00 for a change Anannya was trying to wake me up. Amma wake up its late its late. And I woke up lazily. I have this habit of forgetting my self when I wake up from a deep sleep. On where I am and what time it is...It was like that today. And then we heard the cuckoo bird sound. It was continously saying khoo..khoooo..khoooo..so cute it was.
So my daughter told me Amma..Cuckoo bird is awake and is trying to wake you up. So I woke up anyway and we both went near the window. She climbed the table and was holding me and we both were repeating the cuckoo sound along with cuckoo bird trying desperately to find in which branch it is and if I could get a glimpse of it.
No luck. But it was a nice and beautiful moment.
Watching the very minimal greenery looking into the tree and finding the bird. It was like a beautiful morning. And there was a small breeze also and it just was wish this is forever kind of a time. Especially holding my princess hand , she hugging me close and trying to look out of window, we both desperately checking for the bird..and laughing was just a cute moment.
At times we get worried or think about unncessary things forgetting to give value to what we have.
What cannot be cured must anyways be endured. So why worry about it.
I remember reading in a hospital a sign board that says...
Congratulations. You are alive :-).
So Life indeed is beautiful. And its really good to enjoy or live every single minute. Take one day at a time :-)
Yes it is.. and it comes in all shades of colors as implied by your blogs of the past four weeks.
Your blog reminds me of the song 'Ballelakka' of Sivaji movie which exclaims the unadulterated aesthetics of country-side of India(Atleast the Telugu version does..) which you must have experienced in your SBI-days. It also indicates that if you have an eye (and 'an ear' in your case) for aesthetics, even the city-country of Singapore presents opportunities to enjoy the beauty of life.
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