After almost fifteen years, today got an oppurtunity to play trump. Ofcourse couldnt play hardly even one game but then it brought me the excitement of the game I used to love and crazy of.
I was introduced to Trump game when I was in my sixth standard summer holidays. I used to go to my cousins house for vacation. Me,my cousin Vidhya who is three years elder to me and our other cousin Balaji who is 5 years elder to me and the Nirmala whom we call Malu is 10 years elder to me. We four used to stay together in Malus house. That is when the first time my cousin Balaji and Malu taught me and Vidhya the game of Trump. Now me and Vidhya used to be the innocent kind and Balaji and Malu used to be partners and always used to win. No matter how good our cards were they used to win because either they will change the trump card or they will cheat us. By the time I mastered the game and started tracking which cards already were put etc etc..the vacation was over and in my own house playing cards is banned. I really missed it then.
Later I had gone to Balajis house for the next year vacation and also for a wedding in their home town. Balaji's dad my uncle was really crazy of this game and they all used to play this in terrace. A big gang used to play but very seriously. And that time we started to be partners myself and Balaji..He was an expert and if by mistake I put a wrong card thats it he will scream on top of his voice getting really tensed.. By then we both mastered lots of tricks..i mean this cheating may not work with master players..But if we get innocent young kids or cousins then no one can beat us...Changing the trump card, or cutting others card with trump card even if we have the same symbol card etc are all common. But it was fun...infact the serious game used to be even more fun. If we start playing sometimes we have played almost the whole night..Wow Miss those moments. After vacation whether I miss my cousins or not I used to miss this game a lot. At home no way dad wont allow to play and my sis also was not interested in this game.
Later the last time I played this was in VG's marriage. I went to that marriage itself mainly to play trump. That much I was impressed but unfortunately we couldnt play much since we had lots of work in the marriage. Thats it..that was when I was in my tenth..Later there was no time to have a get together or staying in others house for vacation..Each one of us became busy with our lives so trump was out of my life..
A simple game which I dearly loved...To think of it..wow..keeping a card as trump trying to score the points...the rise of tension if the next four cards were crap..the excitment when you see maximum trump cards and big cards...the supporting partner having good cards good timing and understanding..all this counts..all this were fun fun and FUN..Especially the cheating part...only when we are not serious..is also fun...Winning doesnt matter..the fun does matter..Ofcourse if our opponents are not good enough..then no fun playing this game too
Trump probably is the only card game that I was really addicted too..
Miss Playing Trump...Wish this time when I go to India for my parents sashtipoorthy I get a chance to play Trump!!!
Wow Trump :-)
Yes its a good one but you need to be very clever and have lots of memory power to win a game of trump.Have you heard of goat.
Yes have played both half goat and full goat thanks to my cousin.
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